Walthamstow Sai Centre

Sai Ram! Please note the Sai Centre is now open and activities start from 9:30am every Sunday.

We are currently working on our new centre website. Meanwhile, please see general details below.

About The Centre

The Sri Sathya Sai Centre of Walthamstow started in 1994, when a group of devotees gathered to host weekly devotional singing and values based classes for children. From these humble home gatherings, as the congregation continued to expand, the centre moved to its present location at Stoneydown Park school in 1996. The centre now hosts weekly congregations and is involved in volunteering activities in the wider community. The weekly programme aims to cater for a diversity of spiritual views and appreciates the many different ways in which we can connect to the Divine.

When and where

Stoneydown Park Infants School
Pretoria Avenue, Walthamstow,
London, E17 7DL

Every Sunday from 9:30am to 12:00pm
Including spiritual classes for children from 9:30am to 10:45am (except during school holidays)


Weekly human values based classes for children aged 5-16 - including drama, music and class based learning.

Spiritual Activities

Weekly devotional singing (including interfaith songs), chanting and meditation.

Service Activities

Visits to elderly homes and other service projects throughout the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation UK.

Who Is Sathya Sai Baba?

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is revered by millions of faithful devotees all over the world as an incarnation of the Divine, an ‘Avatar’. He is also known as Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sai Baba, Swami, Bhagawan or simply as Baba. His timeless and universal teachings, exemplified by his life of selfless and pure love, attract seekers of Truth from various walks of life, faiths, and cultures, inspiring them in turn to lead constructive, virtuous, and godly lives. When queried about his identity and divinity, Bhagawan Baba answered, "I am God. And you too are God. The only difference between you and Me is that while I am aware of it, you are completely unaware.". This fundamental truth of man's divine nature is at the heart of his message and mission.


Stoneydown Park Infants School
Pretoria Avenue, Walthamstow,
London, E17 6JY


Amalan: 07534499862
Myuran: 07774312128



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